It's thanksgiving time... time for jello...
Thanksgiving this year was good, got to go home and see a lot of family! I love Thanksgiving but it always seems to go by really fast, you spend so much time making the food for it, then you eat, and then you are full and have a stomach ache! But even though I always get a tremendous stomach ache, I still love it.
My extended family always reserve the Unity LDS Church in Burley, Idaho, the church I grew up going to in Burley. Usually a lot of my cousins come and we have the Thanksgiving Feast and usually a little program. It's fun. Every family is supposed to have some sort of skit or something... I remember these skit used to be fun, now it just seems forced! One thing the boys in the family have to do every year is put on a skit for the rest of the family called "Billy Got Hit By A Bus". I can't ever remember a Thanksgiving we haven't done this skit for the family. It was fun at first but now is just something the family makes you do... hahha. There have been other variations of this skit though, while I was on my mission they changed it to "Michael Got Hit By A Bus!" I thought that was pretty funny.
Another tradition is that the boys in my family will go to a Barber Shop in Burley on Black Friday and get an Old Fashioned shave. That is always fun... however the barber is getting really old now (we always go to the same guy) and I'm worried one of these years we will get more than a shave! hahaha. The shave is very relaxing though, I almost fell asleep yesterday during my shave. After the shave the barber always puts some Osage Rub After Shave on and holy crap that stuff burns... but it feels so good!
Anyways I had a great Thanksgiving and I hope you also had a good Thanksgiving!